FAQ - Remote

Which File Transfer Protocols does MAMP PRO 5 support?

MAMP PRO 5.0 supports the following protocols:

  • FTP
  • FTP with implicit SSL
  • FTP with TLS/SSL
  • SFTP

Which Extra packages are supported?

At this time, MAMP PRO 5.0 supports WordPress for uploading and downloading your local host site to your remote server.

Does it support WordPress installed manually?

Yes, WordPress is supported for upload and download when is installed from our extra or when is manually installed.

Does the application override my existing files on the remote server when uploading my local site?

YES! The remote document root files will be replaced by the new document root files you are transferring. Remember to backup all your files (document root & databases) before starting a transfer.

Where does MAMP PRO store credential information?

Your provided credentials are only used in MAMP PRO application to make the connection with your remote server. Your password is saved in your KeyChain Access utility app, not in MAMP PRO.

Do you support MariaDB?

MAMP PRO supports MySQL 5.5 and higher. Due to the fact that MariaDB is based on MySQL, it may work, but it has not been tested.

Will my Drupal site work if I transfer it to a remote server?

At this time MAMP PRO 5.0 only supports WordPress transfers. If the database of your content management system does not contain any specific url or directory paths, and after changing the document root configuration file, the upload may work. MAMP PRO will support other content management systems in future releases. You may try at your own risk remembering to backup all your files on the remote server before starting a transfer.

Will my static site work if I transfer it to a remote server?

Your transfer most likely will be successful if your site does not contain a database, however due to the myriad possibilities of a local site setup it can not be fully tested and therefore it is not fully supported. You may try at your own risk remembering to backup all your files on the remote server before starting a transfer.

Can I test the upload function before moving it to my actual remote document root?

Yes. You can transfer your local site to a subfolder of your remote document root and a new database. For example:

  • Remote document root: public_html
  • Public URL site: http://www.mycoolsite.com
  • Test remote document root: public_html/test
  • Public URL site: http://www.mycoolsite.com/test

Then, when the transfer is complete, you will see your local site at http://www.mycoolsite.com/test.

Important: Remember to change the database you are transferring your local site to your remote server. If you want to test, you might not want to overwrite the actual database.