Settings > Hosts > General

MAMP PRO uses virtual hosts to allow your web servers to serve different websites. The virtual host “localhost” is created by default and cannot be deleted. You can add an unlimited number of hosts allowing you to create one host per project. Every host can have it’s own directory to store html, PHP files, and images. This directory is called Document Root.

The name of a host (server name) must be unique, often it’s practical to use a reverse domain naming scheme to easily identify them (e.g. use info.mamp.development instead of The unreversed name may conflict with an outside domain name.


  • Name
    The server name and port number in combination must be unique within MAMP PRO. The host name may only contain letters and/or numbers, as well as dashes (“-“); but it may not begin or end with a “-“ character. Names are not case-sensitive.

    If the servers are running you can use the MAMP button to open a host in your web browser.


  • IP address
    If this field is left empty or contains an * the web server will use one of the computer’s IP addresses to access this host. If you want to choose which of the IP addresses should be associated with a host, then select it from the pop up menu.

  • Port#
    Determine the port with which the virtual host is accessible. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. In most cases the preset value does not need to be changed.

  • PHP Version
    Determine which version of PHP a host will use. This can only be set when Individual PHP version for every host (CGI) is set in the PHP section of MAMP PRO.

    If you select the Standard PHP version MAMP PRO will automatically adapt this setting if you choose a new standard version in the PHP tab. Use a fixed setting to tell MAMP PRO not to alter the PHP version.


    An example: The default version is set to 5.5.9. You have HostA set to PHP version “Default (5.5.9)”, HostB set to “5.5.9” and HostC set to “5.3.28”. If you set the PHP version in the PHP section to “5.4.25”, MAMP PRO will adapt the PHP version of HostA to this version (it is set to always use the standard version). The other 2 hosts will not be changed.

    Setting Your PHP Version in MAMP PRO.

    • PHPInfo


      View your PHP configuration by pressing the ‘i’ button to the right of the version name.

  • Dynamic DNS
    Determines, if this virtual host is accessible with the Dynamic DNS service from the internet.

  • Use with
    Determine which web server will be used with your host. An icon next to the server name in the server list will also indicate which web server you chose.

  • Name resolution
    This will determine how your system will map host names to ip addresses.

    • via /etc/host file (this Mac only)
      The basic mapping mechanism which uses the file “/etc/hosts”.

    • for “MAMP Viewer” (LAN only)
      Enable your host to be viewed on the MAMP Viewer.

    • via (LAN only)
      Allow other computers on your local network to access your web site. Using the Share button you can send the address to other users.

      Viewing site using

  • Document root
    The location of the documents (HTML/PHP files etc.) of a virtual host is called a document root.

  • Access Rights for Document Root Directory
    For the web server to be able to access the files inside the document root folder and serve them to a web browser it needs adequate rights. If you use the user “www” to start your web server, then this user must have the right to access the files inside the document root folder. Typically this is not the case. You can either adapt the access rights or use the current Mac user to start your web servers.

    During the development phase of a site it is easier to use the current Mac user to start your web server. The user “www” is generally only used on production servers.

    If your web server is reporting “access denied” in its error log or parts of your web pages are missing this might be due to access rights problems.

    The rights dialog of MAMP PRO looks complicated at first sight but is actually very powerful. Not only does it show you the access rights of the document root folder but also all the rights of all the subdirectories and files inside it. A “-“ indicates that not all objects have the same rights.

    • Owner
      The user who owns the directory and all the subdirectories and files in it.
      • change to
    • Group
      The group who has access to the directory and all the subdirectories and files in it.
      • change to
    • Access Rights
      You can change directory and files access rights separately.
      • Change directory right
      • Change file right

  • Extras

    With MAMP PRO Extras you can install a content management system in just a few clicks. Press the “+” button to install an Extras package.


    The Extras panel shows the name of the extra, how many installations are possible per document root, and the PHP version and MySQL compatibility. MAMP PRO offers the following Extras.

  • Alias Name
    Aliases are additional names for your virtual host. The same constraints apply to these additional names as to the host itself. Add aliases with the plus-button.